Welcome to Wizating FAQ and Troubleshooting Page

Q: New to Wizating scripts or facing challenges?

A: Don't worry! This page is your go-to guide to help you navigate through setting up and using our scripts, and troubleshooting any issues that you might run into. We've compiled a range of FAQs and step-by-step guides to make your experience as smooth and fun as possible.

Q: Still can't find what you're looking for?

A: Our help center is continually expanding. We're working on adding more content to cover all aspects of our scripts and to answer more of your questions. Please check back often to see what's new. We appreciate your patience and hope the information currently available helps you enjoy your journey with Wizating scripts to the fullest.


Q: Where can I find the function files for your scripts?

A: The function files for most of our scripts are located within the 'client' and 'server' folders. You should be able to find them by navigating to these folders within the directory of each script.

Q: I'm having trouble finding the function files for BMI and the skill bar, where are they?

A: Excellent observation! The BMI and skill bar scripts are a bit unique. They do not follow the typical structure of having function files located in 'client' or 'server' folders like most of our other scripts. Therefore, you won't find specific function files for these scripts in those locations. For BMI, it currently does not have function files in the usual locations. Any changes to the structure, if required, will come as updates in the future. As for the skill bar, it's designed to be standalone and does not require any specific framework to function. So, there won't be function files in the usual sense, as with scripts that tie into a larger framework.

Q: I'm using the latest version of ESX, what changes should I make to the unencrypted function files?

A: If you're using the latest version of ESX, there's a small change you need to make. In the function files, you'll find a line that says TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end). This should be changed to exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(). This helps ensure compatibility with the latest version of ESX.

Q: I noticed there is an exception for BMI, what do I need to do?

A: You're right, BMI is a bit different. It has the ESX setting in the Config file. Look for a line that says Config.ESX =. This is where you'll need to input what version of ESX you're using. By default, it's set to exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(), which is suitable for the latest ESX version. However, if you're using an older version of ESX, you should change it to TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end). This will ensure that the script works correctly with your ESX version.

Q: How does the wizatingNotifs function work in the client functions file?

A: The wizatingNotifs function in the client-side script triggers notifications to the client. It's defined as:

wizatingNotifs = function(type,message)
exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText(type, message)

This function takes two arguments, type and message. type decides the type of notification to display, and message is the text to display in the notification. If you want to use another notification script, replace exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText(type, message) with a client-side event trigger or export from your chosen notification script. Remember to use type and message without quotation marks (not "type" or "message"). Remember to always refer to the documentation of your chosen notification script for the correct usage and syntax.

Q: How does the wizatingNotifs function work in the server functions file?

A: The wizatingNotifs function in the server-side script sends notifications to a client from the server. It's defined as:

wizatingNotifs = function(source,type,message)
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source , { type = type , text = message})

This function also takes type and message arguments, and additionally a source argument which identifies the client to send the notification to. If you want to use another notification script, replace TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source , { type = type , text = message}) with a client event trigger or client-side export from your chosen notification script. Again, use type and message exactly as they are, without quotation marks. Remember to always refer to the documentation of your chosen notification script for the correct usage and syntax.


Q: What if I encounter a "table does not exist" error?

A: If you're encountering a "table does not exist" error, it's likely due to one of two reasons. Either you have not added the supplied SQL to your database, or your manifest file has not been edited to use your version of the SQL script, which could either be oxmysql or mysql async.

Firstly, make sure you have properly added our supplied SQL to your database. This is an essential step to ensure our scripts can interact with your database correctly.

If you've already added the SQL and you're still encountering the error, it's time to check your manifest file. Your manifest file must be edited to use your specific version of the SQL script. If you're using mysql async, the path in the manifest file should be "@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua". On the other hand, if you're using oxmysql, the path should be "@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua".

By ensuring your database has the correct SQL and that your manifest file is correctly pointing to your SQL script, you should be able to resolve the "table does not exist" error.


Q: Question

A: Answer


Q: Why does my car look like it's hovering or floating after I've changed the wheel size with custom rims in GTA FiveM using the Stancer script?

A: This floating car issue can occur when you adjust the size of your wheels using modded or custom rims. It happens due to the way these custom rims interact with the game's environment.

Q: How can I fix this floating car problem in GTA FiveM after changing the wheel size with the Stancer script and custom rims?

A: To fix this, you need to tweak a specific setting in the Config file of our Stancer script. You'll have to set Config.EnableColliders to false. This setting tells the game not to adjust the rim colliders based on the wheel size, which helps avoid the floating car issue.

Here's the step-by-step:

Open up the Config file in the Stancer script's folder.

Look for the line that says Config.EnableColliders.

Change this from true to false.

Save your changes and then restart the script.

Air lift

Q: Question

A: Answer


Q: Question

A: Answer


Q: Question about bendpaks?

A: Answer about bendpaks.


Q: Question

A: Answer

The lost heist

Q: Question

A: Answer

Skill bar

Q: Question

A: Answer